Can You Handle A Month Focused on Your Sexual Self-Pleasure?

Welcome to May’s Monthly Self-Pleasure Challenge Week One, May 1-6

Self-Pleasure to know thyself. Could this be more relevant than for your sexuality?

Most folks don’t know their sexual self because our culture, institutions, family, and society send negative messages about understanding ourselves as sexual human beings. I created this sexuality challenge for masturbation month for you to explore who you are sexually with a focus on pleasure. This idea might sound foreign to you because many people talk about masturbation and orgasm as pleasure, yet we have not stated pleasure as a part of sexual health.

The World Health Association has added pleasure to the definition of sexual health. Their new document recognizes that sexual pleasure is a fundamental part of sexual rights, sexual health, and sexual well-being. I have spent my entire career working to advance permission for sexuality exploration to all folks, especially women, to include sexual pleasure in their lives.

Ways to Maximize Your Pleasure Challenge

Set your date and time.

Will you do this once a week? Twice a week. Once a day? Make it fit in your life. Use your intuition to make your plan. If you want some ideas on ritual, I have some to offer.

Determine what you want to accomplish. Set your notion of how you will use your pleasure time. Is this empowerment? Is this making space for sexuality an equal and treasured part of your life? Work this idea, whatever it is, like an affirmation.

Where will you hold your pleasure challenge?

Will your location be static and specific? Are you going to where your mood takes you? Outdoors. At the beach, the mountains, a stream. What place will support your pleasure world? Think about all your senses. They help you with pleasure.

Consider your pleasure theme.

Will your challenges to yourself be about learning, physical exploring, education, and investigation? You know what you need. I created a holistic frame for understanding pleasure.

What tools would you like to support you?

Your choice of tools may be specific to your theme for yourself. You may have some particular ideas but haven’t had a concrete reason to execute them. Use the challenge as that reason. Do you need toys, books, websites, activities, or podcasts?

What Am I Offering in the Challenge?

You will find that I present three card decks to get you started with your challenge.

The Purple Sex Reflection Deck for Women.

The Sex Positive Tarot.

The Body Deck.

I identified cards from these decks that I believe support the idea of pleasure. I will highlight a different card each day of the challenge.

You might want to identify a unique journal to capture the reflections, learning, and new ideas that emerge for you. Pleasure is an ever-evolving thing, and it’s good to know where you actively began your process so you can see your movement and evolution.

Each day in May, I will post the daily challenge on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Follow along in those places and share any enlightenment and revelations you gain.

In Conclusion

The May Monthly Self-Pleasure Challenge encourages individuals to explore their sexuality, focusing on pleasure as a part of sexual health. The World Health Association now recognizes sexual pleasure as fundamental to sexual rights, health, and well-being. Participants are encouraged to set their own schedules, goals, and locations for their pleasure challenges and choose their preferred themes and tools.

Take part in the May Monthly Self-Pleasure Challenge by setting a personal schedule, goal, location, and theme and selecting tools to support your journey. Follow the daily challenges posted on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook throughout May, and consider documenting your experiences in a journal to track your progress and growth. Share your insights and revelations as you explore your sexuality and pleasure.

Here’s a preview of week one’s cards.

3 Responses

  1. May 8, 2023

    […] started last week with information about setting out May’s Pleasure Event Challenge, the ways to maximize your pleasure challenge, […]

  2. May 17, 2023

    […] Even though we are halfway through the challenge, you can still catch up on the process with the first-week post and the second-week […]

  3. May 22, 2023

    […] We started the challenge with, Can you handle a month focused on your sexual self-pleasure? […]

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