Tagged: Twitter Spaces


From Sex Talk to Sex Conversations: The Sexuality Space

Moving from a “sex talk” to a “sex conversation” is a new way to think about sharing important sexual information. It takes an open and curious mind to address the crucial aspects of sexual wellness, including pleasure and desire. Communication is hard, and there are ways to have meaningful sex conversations. Broadening your sexuality world from a sex talk to a sex conversation is a fluid first step to making sexuality an equal and balanced component of your life. When you have been taught not to talk about sex or to understand what it means to you, a conversation about...


Sex Conversation Starters to Improve Intimacy in Relationships

What is a sex conversation starter? Sometimes people just don’t know how to begin a conversation related to sex. That is so understandable. Those conversations are intimate and vulnerable. We don’t exactly learn conversation skills at school or at home, much less about discussing anything with sexual content. Without formal learning, we use what we know and it could trip us up. We may focus on how the other person is going to feel versus how it is to be clear with yourself and share. While attending behaviors and listening behaviors are important, so is being clear about what you...


A Disappointing Sex Search in Google Underlines Poor Sex Education

My sex search on Google in preparation for my weekly Twitter Spaces Content in The Sexuality Space provided frustration. I wanted to learn what people want to know about sex. I discovered one interesting article by Dr. Chris Fulton: The Most Frequently Searched Sex Questions in the US. I loved her enthusiasm and contrast to research by Kinsey and sample size compared to Google Trends and analytics. It made for an interesting read but caused me to ponder some basic questions and wrestle with the disappointment of basic sex search information when I searched the question people wanted to know....


The Sexuality Space: The Year We Created A Remarkable Community with Passion

The Concept of The Sexuality Space Wow. Has it really been a year since I started The Sexuality Space on Twitter Spaces? Yes, it has. The first Wednesday of May in 2021, I launched my inaugural twitter spaces. I remember how the app didn’t work well.  I was unable to invite speakers. My first event was essentially a monologue from me with friends feeding me questions in my Direct Messages and I answered them. That didn’t deter me. I planned and talked and laughed. It was fun. So much has changed over the year from improvements in the app itself...


Can you Place Your Sexuality Center Stage for a Minute or Even an Hour for Your Sexual Wellbeing?

Sometimes it is hard to admit we are sexual beings with a need for sexual wellness. Our culture, institutions, family, friends have made us feel like we need to hide that part of us. That makes it difficult for us to take time for our sexual self. Frankly, I’ve had enough. Others have subjected my sexuality career to constructed rules and regulations. They relegated my erotic writing to late-night locations, the back room, and the “shhhh place.” Sex itself takes a back seat to something considered more worthwhile. Sexuality professionals have been expected to step aside or step down for...


In Conversation with Rose Caraway

In my last post, I shared that I was a new Twitter Spaces Host. This blog post marks my third event. I created a mission statement for my space. My plan is to talk with lots of different people in the world of sexuality. I’m really excited about the new features Twitter has added to Twitter Spaces. When you are on my Twitter feed you can click on the event, see details, to get more information. This is where the scheduling function resides so you can get a thirty-minute reminder before the event starts. You’ll also get a reminder when...


It’s Official. I’m a Twitter Spaces Host!

Life in 2021 is gearing up. I have some new and wonderful event launching this week. On Wednesday, May 5, 2021 Noon ET I will host my inaugural Twitter Spaces #TheSexualitySpace. I’ve been writing about the journey on Medium. Check out these articles: As an author, I’m afraid I might become a twitter spaces junkie and Look Out Twitter Spaces because my southern drawl with rock your world. Connecting with folks on social media is a fascinating proposition, and here’s a new tool. It’s called Twitter Spaces. When it arrived, I was first intrigued and then disappointed. It was in...