Tagged: Sex writing


Boosting Your Writing Energy: The Power of Collaboration and Support

#1 in the FWSG Series I feel a familiar, historic writing energy as the new year begins. Specifically, academic dissertation energy. One’s dissertation is a research piece where you either confirm someone else’s research or bring forward a new idea. You may have found your niche if your work brings something new forward. If you don’t know what it’s like to write a dissertation, it’s hard. The process is complex. Long and drawn out. It follows tedious rules. It goes through committees that approve, suggest, or deny movement forward. It can be so demanding that many of us called it...


Jumpstart Writing Sex: A Fresh Mindset, Perspective, and Craft Tools

In writing sex, whether in scenes or threaded throughout your story, to get maximum impact, it takes a type of sex education most people never get. As a writer, you may be a natural-born storyteller and have intuited lots of information in your world about your characters. But what if you also used sex information that provided depth and created holistic characters? As a sex educator and therapist, I see what people miss in their writing. So I ask questions. I created one poll and started there. As you can see below, “Myself” was the answer to what stops you...


Transform Your Sex Writing to Give Characters Great Sex with Five Elements

Many writers cringe at the idea of writing those sexy scenes, but here are five elements to transform your sex writing and give your characters great sex. Most of us have not been educated on sexuality. How could we be good writers or editors of it without that education? I’ve put my sex education and therapy to use in a new way, understanding the meaning of sex fictional characters and helping authors give characters the best sex than can. How We’ve Learned to Write Sex. “I cannot write a sex scene to save my life,” says too many writers. A...