Can you Place Your Sexuality Center Stage for a Minute or Even an Hour for Your Sexual Wellbeing?

Sometimes it is hard to admit we are sexual beings with a need for sexual wellness. Our culture, institutions, family, friends have made us feel like we need to hide that part of us. That makes it difficult for us to take time for our sexual self.

Frankly, I’ve had enough.

Others have subjected my sexuality career to constructed rules and regulations. They relegated my erotic writing to late-night locations, the back room, and the “shhhh place.” Sex itself takes a back seat to something considered more worthwhile. Sexuality professionals have been expected to step aside or step down for some topic deemed more important. Notice it was all about movement. Folks working in the sexuality field move to make others happy. It has infuriated me and it’s time to stop.

In the year 2022, I’m not moving those ways anymore. I’m stepping up.

That’s my new mindset. I’m excited to see the results of this change.

I choose not only to shine the light on sexual goodness as a wellness item, but I’m doing it in broad daylight.

This is your invitation to join me.

30-Day Sexuality Challenge for Sexual Wellbeing

In November, I created a 30-day sexuality challenge. Each day, I posed a question or statement as an opportunity for you to highlight an aspect of sex. You could choose to engage publicly or enjoy the ideas in the privacy of your own home.

Either way. I sent the important message. You can place your sexuality at the center stage of your life. You can pause and put your sexuality out there for yourself in whatever way works for you.

That November Sexuality challenge was received so well, that I created one for January 2022. I think of it as an extension of my first 2022 Twitter Spaces tomorrow, Sex: New Mindset New Results.

Here’s Your Opportunity

I hadn’t connected the dots until today. But in a small way and a larger way, I’m creating a space for you to think, experience, redefine, and explore within yourself as you set out on a journey of discovery to your fullest aspects of sexuality.

Some people start with a moment, like a first step. It only takes a moment to read the challenge and respond. Maybe you are further on your path and are ready to sit with us in the space for an hour and relax into your own sexuality skin.

In both examples, I’m creating space for you to be. One step is space in a moment. Another step is adding the moments together for an hour.

In both of the opportunities, you are receiving permission to be who you are and want to be. You can consider the challenge like a daily journal prompt, which helps you access and focus on a sexual aspect that is a core component of who you are. Maybe the quick prompt provides just enough of a structure for you to consider sexuality. Maybe the prompts give you something new to think about. No matter what, you can smile and know you joined a community that believes pleasure is supreme and we all are worthy of it.

The Access Point and Conclusion.

Pop over to my Twitter feed.

Each day this month you’ll find a daily prompt challenge to read. Respond there or respond in your mind, in your journal, or to a friend. Just allow space for sexuality to be in you.

My pinned tweet gives you the information about #TheSexualitySpace live on Wednesdays NOON ET. This is the space where like-minded individuals celebrate positive sexuality. We’d love to have you join us.

Start your new year with a sense of balance, that you can integrate the sexuality you want in a place to do that.

Together, we can have center stage events for sexuality in our own lives. Hope to have you become part of the community.

1 Response

  1. January 4, 2022

    […] published at on January 4, […]

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