Character Sex Coaching: Your Characters Deserve Great Sex, Too!

What exactly is a character sex coach?

A character sex coach is essentially a sex therapist or educator for your characters. They can help you, the author, understand how sexuality fits into your characters’ personalities, motivations, and relationships. Best of all, they guide you in using sexuality to deepen your readers’ connection to your story.

They are helpful to writers who may not have had formal sex education or who struggle with writing convincing and nuanced scenes with sex. By working with a character sex coach, you can better understand how sex operates in your story and develop a more confident and authentic writing style with sex.

When should you use one?

It’s a good idea to consider a character sex coach in your pre-planning or revision stage. They can help you establish a consistent and meaningful approach to sexuality in your story from the beginning or help you fine-tune your process as you revise.

Why is a character sex coach can be helpful?

Working with a character sex coach can help you avoid common pitfalls in writing about sexuality. For example, many writers struggle with writing scenes with sex that are gratuitous, offensive, or simply unconvincing. By working with a coach who can provide guidance and feedback, you can ensure that your use of sexuality is meaningful, respectful, and effective in serving the needs of your story and characters.

Sexual tension can be a powerful tool for driving plot and character development. By understanding the nuances of your characters’ sexuality, you can use sexual tension and release to create suspense, conflict, and resolution in your story. This can make for a more dynamic and emotionally resonant narrative.

Effective use of sexuality can add depth and complexity to your characters. When characters’ sexual experiences and desires are woven into the story’s fabric, it can create a more nuanced and realistic portrayal of their inner lives. This can help readers connect with and empathize with the characters on a deeper level, leading to a more engaging and memorable story.

In short, working with a character sex coach can help you develop your writing skills, create more complex and engaging characters, and use sexuality to serve your story and your readers.


  • A character sex coach is a sex therapist or educator for your characters.
  • They can help you understand how sexuality fits into your characters’ personalities, motivations, and relationships and guide you in using them effectively to deepen your readers’ connection to your story.
  • Effective use of sexuality can add depth and complexity to your characters and drive plot and character development.
  • Sexual tension and release can create suspense, conflict, and resolution in your story, making for a more dynamic and emotionally resonant narrative.
  • Working with a sex coach can help you avoid common pitfalls in writing about sexuality.

Who provides character sex coaching?

That’s where I come in! With my 47 years of experience in sexuality teaching and therapy and my background in writing and editing, I am uniquely qualified to provide this kind of coaching. My Scenes with Sex Master Class and Passion Works Community offer a range of options for writers looking to improve their approach to sexuality. Check out my Scenes with Sex Masterclass.

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