The Exuberant Writers Island Retreat Produces a Magic Elixir

A magic elixir is produced when writers get together.

It has a texture like cotton candy.

A smell like an English garden in spring or caramel over the sea salt.

A look like a Monet painting, hazy with all our energy.

A taste of tequila aged in oak barrels.

A sound like a guitar riff floating through the breeze.

These sensations signify the writer magic of this year’s writing retreat. We are all magical ingredients adding to the mix of the retreat.

Writer Imagination Creates the Magic Elixir

Writer magic is a thing that happens when two or more writers work, create, and write together. It’s synergistic. We are all creating different stories, but one space contains our energy, the retreat, brewing, growing, and multiplying. 

The flavor of it depends on the ingredients within the author.

Writing Topics and Getting the Words Down

Maggie: Fantasy romance. A first novel author who will type THE END this week. It is so exciting since our work together on this story started two years ago.

Mischa: Maintenance Men on the mainland and Revelry Island shenanigans. Whether Savannah, Owen, Leo, or Jackie, the shenanigans flowed.

Dr. J.: I alternated between two stories. Gabe and Dana’s ultimate connection in Forever Tattooed, where a long-awaited meeting finally transpires. Then Layney and Carlton’s “auction of a Bordello room for your sexual fantasy” saves the building and creates some exciting partnerships in Destination Bordello.

The Writer Process Adds to the Magic Elixir.

We have blurted out AHAs for the characters and the story, talked through plot sticking points, and rallied for each of our daily goals.

This magic elixir is also a balm for the future. New ideas were birthed.

Maggie will prep her website in June, and new ideas arrived for it.

For me, a book series blossomed about the Purple Sex Deck. Cards of Passion: A Purple Sex Story to be followed with the nine sexuality topics of the deck: Self-Intimacy, Sensuality, Fantasy, Sexual Behaviors, Gender, Sexual Orientation,
Pleasure, Body Image, and Desire. It might integrate sexual alignment ideas for women through fiction.

Mischa followed her trilogies and received deep-dive info on the characters. Cordelia and Levi exist at the Mini Ranch on Revelry Island, and Cordelia is Owen and Evan’s cousin.

The Environs for the Magic Elixir

We laughed and loved in unexpected cool weather and rain. But now the sun broke through.

We drank Tequila Old Fashioneds, Rusty Nails, Margaritas, and impending Champagne. 

We had brain cramps. “Why won’t the app work?” “Where are my glasses?” “My shoe broke.”

We’ve had dinner parties and birthday parties with friends and family.

We sampled seafood, tacos, and Barbeque. 

We’ll throw a celebration party when the writer “THE END” happens.

The Magic Elixir Will Grow as a New Ingredient is Added

As of this writing, we are on day four.

Thirty minutes before our river cruise, our fourth writer, Heather, arrived. We saw the wild horses on Cumberland Island (“I need a new phone, you can’t tell that’s a horse.”) smiled at the beauty of the sunset, and sat in satisfaction of strengthening our friendship and writer bonds.

Today, we write again with four sets of hands and brains working, and host a pasta dinner party. Then attend the local writers’ event on Tuesday and “tell it all” in The Sexuality Space on Wednesday at 3 pm. ET.

How to Create Your Own Writing Magic Elixir

Connect with authors who resonate with you.

Be part of their world.

Support their work and efforts.

Make time to be with each other to stir the magic elixir pot. You’ll be glad you did.

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