How do Women get Purple Sex Alignment? A Fresh Mindset

Purple Sex Alignment? What is It?

Purple sex alignment is both a process and an outcome. If you’re reading, you are already working a shift in your perspective. You are receptive to hearing something new. It’s like when folks realize they want something different in the bedroom, they explore and read about new topics. I’ve found that when you want more in sexuality, you notice things you aren’t familiar with, like purple sex.

I created the Purple Sex Reflection Deck for Women as a tool to start the purple sex journey. Since most folks never received formal sex education, it is difficult to have a full-body understanding of your own sexuality. That is what the purple sex alignment is all about, a holistic way to know yourself as a sexual being so you can nurture and grow your unique and wonderful sex—your purple sex.

Where does Purple Sex Alignment Occur?

Alignment occurs among four components of our body. The physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. These are four distinct areas providing a different sexuality experience. Whether or not you know it, they are interconnected. When you delve into each one and understand how they are put together inside you, you blow life into areas and provide clarity for yourselves about what is there. You give yourself an opportunity to clean your internal house. You may find direct connections to another area. This is the process of making way for your new purple sex alignment.

Aligning Yourself with Sexuality Topics

Sometimes it is easier to work in specific areas to understand yourself. I named nine areas of sexuality where you can do that work. They are self-intimacy, sensuality, fantasy, gender, sexual orientation, sexual behaviors, pleasure, body image, and desire. Each topic gives you a place for investigation within your body. It’s about how you experience yourself in sexuality, from your physical experience to your feelings and your thoughts and potential negative ideas that keep you from what you want. Lots of folks never consider how the spiritual connection to sexuality lives in them. Stopping to consider it means that you open a new door or pathway to heightened awareness. With those insights, you clear the path for purple sex.

When you investigate your sexual history messages or beliefs, you discover what stops you from getting what you want. You face the choice to lay it down and replace it with an idea that is more helpful to you. That is where strength comes in. When you step on the path for the purple journey make bold self-statements.

  • I am worthy.
  • I deserve more.
  • I believe in myself.
  • I am unique.
  • I am beautiful.
  • My soul is full.

Final Thoughts on Purple Sex Alignment

Purple Sex alignment is a process you undertake to reach the full experience of who you can be as a holistic sexual creature. It is you meeting your sexual self for the first time and owning it. It is you valuing who you are as that sexual person and stepping into your space to experience purple sex and receive it. There is only one YOU. In this lifetime, be all that you can be for your sexual self. It is about your quality of life, sexual wellness, desire, and pleasure. Become your authentic sexual self by taking the purple sex plunge.

Sign up for the newsletter to get more information about the Purple Sex Card Deck. Join The Sexuality Space this week Wednesday November 16, 2022, NOON ET for the discussion.

5 Responses

  1. May 29, 2023

    […] Sexual Behaviors, Gender, Sexual Orientation,Pleasure, Body Image, and Desire. It might integrate sexual alignment ideas for women through […]

  2. July 2, 2023

    […] a reader, I hope you will use it well for a better quality of sexual life for […]

  3. July 10, 2023

    […] also represent personal control; taking a purple sex journey is exercising that […]

  4. July 19, 2023

    […] your journaling practice is unique to you, like purple sex, serving as an intimate guidebook for your own sexual exploration and […]

  5. July 24, 2023

    […] theme of the Purple Sex Journey is wholeness. A circle represents wholeness, unity, and harmony. Creating art inside a […]

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