Tagged: writers conference


Writer’s Retreat Triumph: Wins with Passion, Gumption, and Lots of Words

Another writer’s retreat in the books and we made memories. Sometimes it takes a little time for it to gel. I had hoped to post this last week, but I was still processing it. So many rich thoughts. Some many wonderful connections. And so many words. And sitting in the heart of it all was passion and gumption to grasp those words. Food and Drinks of the Writer’s Retreat Writers need nourishment besides coffee, which flowed freely. We ate and drank well. From Mr. J.’s welcome chicken dish to our new favorite resident chef and bartender’s creations, it covered us...


Teaching Authors What I Know About Writing Sex

Last year this time I was getting ready to attend my second Florida Writers Association Annual Conference. My editor created two presentations and a workshop. I was excited to see her work and experience her magic and catch up with old friends I’d met the year before. An unexpected request occurred over the conference which finds me here writing this post. The faculty coordinator asked to create some specific workshops about sex for the group this year. It flattered me and terrified me. This group is not focused on sex per se like other presentations have been. But I said...