Tagged: Fiction Writer’s Sexualitly Guide


From Taboo to Tool Kit: How to Embrace Your Characters’ Sexual History

#7 FWSG Blog Post Sexual History is one tool that is a frame of reference for writing about sex in scene. It was a true favorite in my therapy practice and in educating students about relationships. It is rich with PEMS components, the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual. In fact, it could be called your character’s missing chapter, an unexplored territory of sexual history. From now on, I hope that you will create a dedicated chapter in your Character Bible for sex history. Your full character profile will be complete when you’ve done this. Why Sexual History? Sexual history is...


Fiction Writers: What If Sexuality Can Enhance Deeper Storytelling?

#3 in the FWSG Series Fiction Writers: Can you imagine a world where sexuality is the gateway to deeper storytelling? Welcome to your new reality. Anyone who writes fiction can gain helpful information for their story with The Fiction Writer’s Sexuality Guide: Sex—It’s More Than a Scene. It can be one more tool in your toolbox to develop rich characters and your story. When I first started this project, I thought that only erotica or romance authors could use a new template and paradigm for writing about sex. The more I talked to other authors, the more I realized from...