Category: NonFiction


Milestones Measured by a Semester

Two years from my human sexuality college classroom, I watched Facebook announcements of at least ten more of my students graduating.  While I am proud and happy, it saddened me to realize the rhythm of college semesters is fading for me. It didn’t escape me that I wrote this prompt about milestones, couched within a college semester window. A new life focused on writing moves me along a new, delightful ebb and flow. So what has my writing semester life, from January to April, given me? This current writing marks my tenth Wicked Wednesday contribution. I posted eight times for...


From Sex Therapist to Erotic Writer: How & Why

Throughout my career, people have asked how I became the sexuality educator and sex therapist, Dr. J. Most people who asked the HOW question, presented it in a naturally curious context, especially if they knew I grew up “in the deep south.” While the how question has dogged me throughout my career, my plan to write erotica upon retirement was met with a different question, WHY? It got served up as a main course of barbed judgment and a side serving of, “You write smut, what a waste.” It fascinated me that two separate words, “how” and “why,” rolled off...