Tagged: Purple Hydrangea


How to Journal and Improve Your Sexuality—the Purple Way

Many people wonder how to journal to improve their sexuality. As I created a journal template to help women find their own path, I began my purple sex journey. That voyage helped me see that journaling is a path to discovering your sexual self. For each of us, that journey is to find our unique wonder and authentic sexual self. A journaling method captures your movement and growth as you explore. It provides a place to name who you are. But I know you are saying, “That takes time. Why and how should I journal to discover my purple sexual...


Can You Grow Your Sexuality Like A Purple Hydrangea?

If you know anything about me, you know purple is my color. I look for symbols, meanings, and representations of the things I have around me. I wanted a flower to represent my ideas about purple sex. And the purple hydrangea made the cut. So, let’s see how a purple hydrangea can help you grow your sexuality. Farm Nerd Me Did you know I grew up on a farm? I learned early on how vital soil was to crops—learning about why crop rotation was necessary. Crops can deplete the nutrients in the ground, so you switch out a fresh crop...