Tagged: Erotica Writers


Jumpstart Writing Sex: A Fresh Mindset, Perspective, and Craft Tools

In writing sex, whether in scenes or threaded throughout your story, to get maximum impact, it takes a type of sex education most people never get. As a writer, you may be a natural-born storyteller and have intuited lots of information in your world about your characters. But what if you also used sex information that provided depth and created holistic characters? As a sex educator and therapist, I see what people miss in their writing. So I ask questions. I created one poll and started there. As you can see below, “Myself” was the answer to what stops you...


How Do I Put Sex in the Scenes?

I’m a little behind in my weekly sexuality blog. Usually, when that happens, it is because I’m processing something. So, what exactly is on my mind? It turns out it’s about sex scenes and the crossroads intersection of Dr. J. sex therapist/sex educator with Dr. J. Erotica writer. MY WRITER’S LIFE The last several weeks have been busy. When you weren’t looking, here’s what I’ve been doing. Attending and providing conference workshops. Negotiating my next speaking engagements. Facilitating housing for my author friends for the Amelia Island Book Festival in February 2019 and then for my Sisters in Smut in...