Tagged: Book Release


I Blast Purple Passion as the Book Launch Gets Real

Yesterday, my son walked into my office and asked me what I was doing. “I’m working,” I said. “But it’s Saturday.” The disbelief dripped off his words. “I know, and I blast purple passion as the book launch gets real.” As a writer, I can’t wait to share this sexual wellness tool. As a reader, I hope you will use it well for a better quality of sexual life for yourself. What You Don’t Know For me, creating a visual statement about the book takes concentrated alone time. No other focus. Only this content. No other distractions. The process has...

Sheet of paper in typewriter with words Dr. J. review 2021 0

2021 Another Tough Year Living as a Writing Hermit

Another Covid tough year has passed, and I prevailed. In fact, I kept my head down and churned out a lot of content. I also got new jobs which cause new projects for 2022. I’m so grateful to my fans and followers. You make it all worthwhile. What I missed this year was regular hugs and close, intimate conversations with my friends and family. In between Delta and Omicron, I did visit with my NC author friend, Darryl Bollinger, and hosted the phenomenal Mischa Eliot and Heather Whitaker for a writing retreat. I said Bon Voyage to fellow writer and...


Erotic Anthology Book Release: Chemical [se]X 2

I’m excited to share a book release with wonderful writers. This erotic anthology has been a group publishing effort for Oleander, Mischa and myself, a true labor of love. Thank you to Rachel Kramer Bussel for blurbing our cover! I’m pleased to introduce you to Chemical [se]X 2: just one more.  We hope you enjoy our erotic anthology. Taste the attraction. Again. One hundred percent delicious with zero calories, let yourself be tempted by our chocolate-infused delights. These bite-size erotic treats are guaranteed to satisfy even the most discerning tastes. Best friends become more, beauty is tamed by the beast,...