Introductory Interview: Ally Daine Dishes on Her Love of Romantasy

Ally Daine is the author of Book Four of the Cards of Passion Series. I am so tickled to introduce you to my old friend. We met through another spectacular friend and played together on Amelia Island long before writing was on our radar. Ally Daine is a treasure, and I’m excited to fall into her created fantasy world. I hope you will be, too.

Who are you as a writer, Ally Daine?

I grew up reading fantasy, Sci-Fi, and romance novels. My favorites were those that blended fantastical worlds with spice! As a writer, I strive to emulate these novels while keeping to my own style. I think fantasy and Sci-Fi are liberating genres because I can play with themes in ways I struggle to replicate in “real world” settings. I like to build my stories with vibrant worlds and complex characters who face extraordinary challenges and triumph against all odds. In the middle of all of that, they find love!

How did you decide to participate in the Cards of Passion Series?

I would say because Donna suggested it! But I was also drawn to the Cards of Passion Series because it aligns with my love for blending fantasy with romance. I knew right away that I would claim the fantasy card and would build a story that stayed true to the big “F” fantasy genre but allowed each character to fulfill their own little “f” fantasy.  And, of course, it was lovely to contribute to a series with a mix of newbie authors, such as myself, and pros!

What was your process for coming up with your story?

At the time that Donna pitched the series, I was about to finish my first full-length novel. This novel is told from two perspectives. However, there is a third major character that does not get his own perspective in this book and I thought it would be fun to write a prequel of sorts and give him a voice. My process in writing always starts with the character popping into my head and telling me they have a story to tell me. My role is to write it down. This opportunity allowed me to tell a bit of Cato’s story.  

So Ally Daine, tease us and tell us about your story.

My story centers around taking risks in a safe space. Cato desperately wants to experience what it’s like to be with a human but can’t because it’s illegal in his world. Alex needs to be liberated from her latest heartbreak but also needs her faith restored in romance. The two of them find each other, thanks to a sly tree witch, and the sparks fly from there! My favorite part about writing this story was how to get the characters to a place where they felt fulfilled. I hope the readers are satisfied with their journeys!

What are your future plans—events, new books, other?

Looking ahead, I’m excited to continue expanding this world. Look for my big girl novel, Fade, coming in Winter 2025. 

Check out Sinful Tryst: Cards of Passion by Ally Daine.

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