Exclusive Interview: Gabbi Black Reveals Her Unique Edge in Romance

Gabbi Black is my guest today, and I couldn’t be more excited to introduce you to her. She is one of the authors of the Cards of Passion Series. We met through a mutual writing friend, and a year later, we are talking about our work together. It seems surreal because the time has gone by so fast. But let’s get going.

So tell us, Gabbi, who are you as a writer?

That’s a great question!  I am one author writing under three pennames – each with their own unique story.  As Gabbi Black, I have an interesting journey to share.  When I got my first eReader, I found a novel by Annabel Joseph.  The book was an erotic BDSM total power exchange story.  I was fascinated.  I gobbled it up, feeling like something within me had found my people.  Then I proceeded to read every book she’d ever written. 

Soon after, I tried writing my own BDSM book.  In the end, that book, Amber Eyes became the first in a trilogy I wrote titled, In Their Eyes.  Upon completing the trilogy, I met Annabel in person at a conference.  She encouraged me to get out and meet people in the BDSM scene.  I live near Vancouver, Canada, and there’s a huge and active kink community.  I went to a couple of munches.  I met someone who became my protector.  I ventured into West Coast Bound – a kink conference.  I was a deer in the headlights, but I also knew I’d found home.  Soon I was attending workshops, meeting people, and eventually playing. 

 I also discovered I’m a huge masochist.  That revelation freed me.  I was also able to go back to the trilogy I’d written and edit based on my own experiences – including a cathartic whipping scene. That trilogy was eventually published by The Wild Rose Press.

 So although I write queer romances as Gabbi Grey, and mid-heat, mid-angst, contemporary small-town romances as Gabbi Powell, my true nature comes out in the very kinky Gabbi Black BDSM novels.

I’m so curious: how did you decide to participate in the Cards of Passion Series?

I was asked! No, seriously – that’s my answer.  I’ve lived my author life as someone who says ‘yes’ to every opportunity.  A mutual friend approached me about signing onto this project – I knew almost nothing but that never stops me.  Female sexual empowerment? Working with a dynamic group of authors?  Being mentored by the best?  Uh…yes! Sign me up!

What I love about every author is they have their own style. What was your process for coming up with your story?

Each book is different and a journey in and of itself.  This book was one of my most fun projects.  You sent me a deck of your Purple Passion Reflections for Women cards. You should’ve seen my excitement that day the mail arrived!  I opened the pack and began leafing through it – so impressed with the creativity involved in each card.  One in particular spoke to me and I realized I had my basis for the relationship within the story.  I knew I had wide latitude and I also realized I wanted to tell an FFM story within the context of BDSM.  With a strong Domme and two equal submissives.  Finally, I went to a friend whom I call the Plot Whisperer.  We had extensive discussions and, within a short timeframe, had the plot for this story – to me, something truly unique.

I’m so excited that a specific card inspired you. Tease us and tell us about your story.

Nadine is a successful business person in Vancouver, Canada.  She’s brash, bold, Black, and brilliant.  A true trailblazer. Owns her own advertising agency – one of the most successful in the cosmopolitan city.  She mentors younger women, provides opportunities, and generally offers a hand up to anyone willing to do the work.

Enter Dustin – with his freshly minted degree and just the right attitude and work ethic.  Nadine hires him to be her personal assistant.  Which is great – Dustin’s a hard worker.  He’s also very persuasive – he wants to be in Nadine’s bed as well.  And when he discovers she’s a Domme with her own dungeon in her basement?  He’s happy to offer his submission. 

Finally, the third in the eventual triangle is Angelique.  She comes into Dustin and Nadine’s life in a truly unique way.  In the end, her attraction to the couple, as well as Dustin’s persuasiveness, convince her to give being a member of a triad a try.  An equilateral triangle. Hence, I had my FFM BDSM novella.  I think it’s important for readers to know that each relationship in the dynamic is important.  These three need each other in different ways.  And those differences are what work so well.

 Also, for readers of books under my penname Gabbi Grey, I throw in a couple of cameos, including from my favorite lesbian couple, actress Elouise and her wife, makeup artist Kelci.  Just because I can…

What are your future plans…events, new books, other?

Oh wow!  I’m on a roll!  I’m attending a conference in Toronto in October – the Northern Rainbow Retreat.  Authors and lovers of queer fiction.  I’m thrilled to be meeting with other authors – including those of sapphic fiction.  To me, Passion’s Angel is as much sapphic as my other books with just FF relationships.  I love writing WLW – women loving women.  At the conference, we’re also having a book signing!  I’ll have copies of Passion’s Angel!  New books?  Under my penname Gabbi Grey, I have a number of projects including two MM books this fall: Grindstone’s Edge as well as Sleigh Bells and Second Chances.  Under my penname Gabbi Powell, I have a short story – A Touch of Cowboy coming out in December.  Finally, I just published my first Gabbi Black audiobook. Grant’s Gambit is a BDSM short story narrated by the brilliant Robert Hatchet.  Truly a passion project.

Thank you for allowing me to interview you. I’m thrilled you are part of my world.

Follow Gabbi on Instagram. Check out more information about the Cards of Passion Series.

Stayed tuned to meet the other authors in the series.

1 Response

  1. August 21, 2024

    […] last week’s Book 2 author blog with Gabbi Black. And next week, meet the next Cards of Passion […]

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