The Fiction Writer’s Sexuality Guide

Imagine a world where sexuality is the gateway to deeper storytelling.

International Firebird Award First-Place

2024 San Francisco Book Festival Honorable Mention

When you rethink your framing of sexuality, your readers can become fully immersed in your story and connect with your characters on a deeper level. The powerful techniques and insights in The Fiction Writer’s Sexuality Guide: Sex—It’s More Than a Scene make this possible.

With this guide, veteran sex therapist and human sexuality professor Dr. J., open pseudonym for Donna Jennings, shows you how to develop vibrant characters and weave the thread of sexuality throughout your entire story. You’ll discover a step-by-step method, complete with an annotated short story and thirty worksheets, to create fully realized characters and engaging storylines.

  • Unleash the power of sex-positive sexuality in your writing.
  • Explore the components of holistic sexuality and how it can enhance your storytelling.
  • Use the PLISSIT model to craft compelling scenes and characters.
  • Get to know the people behind your characters and their unique sexual histories.
  • Learn how to write sexual fantasies that captivate your readers.
  • Discover the motivations behind character sex and how it drives the plot forward.
  • Create a complete relational system for your characters’ sexual experiences.
  • Understand the role of character personalities in sexual dynamics.
  • Use the science of storytelling, play, and sex to craft unforgettable scenes.
  • Master the emotional beats of writing about sex.
  • Explore the movement of sex in your writing, from solo to between and among characters.

Don’t let fear or anxiety prevent you from writing about sex. The Fiction Writer’s Sexuality Guide provides a comprehensive template for creating powerful, authentic, and impactful sexual scenes and characters.

Praise for The Fiction Writer’s Sexuality Guide