Tagged: masturbation


How Are You Celebrating Your Sensual Self This Month?

Welcome back to Celebrating Your Sensual Self. Week one is officially over. If this is your first visit to May’s Self-Pleasure Challenge, welcome to week two, May 7-13. We started last week with information about setting out May’s Pleasure Event Challenge, the ways to maximize your pleasure challenge, and outlining what the challenge is about.  Do you know how Masturbation – Self-Pleasure month started? In 1994, when Dr. Jocelyn Elders was Surgeon General, she stated at a UN meeting that masturbation was normal and should be taught. She was fired from her job, and Carol Queen of Good Vibrations, decided...


Can You Handle A Month Focused on Your Sexual Self-Pleasure?

Welcome to May’s Monthly Self-Pleasure Challenge Week One, May 1-6 Self-Pleasure to know thyself. Could this be more relevant than for your sexuality? Most folks don’t know their sexual self because our culture, institutions, family, and society send negative messages about understanding ourselves as sexual human beings. I created this sexuality challenge for masturbation month for you to explore who you are sexually with a focus on pleasure. This idea might sound foreign to you because many people talk about masturbation and orgasm as pleasure, yet we have not stated pleasure as a part of sexual health. The World Health...