How to Handle the Book Launch Week, or Not?

Book Launch week has arrived and here I am excited, and a little overwhelmed. If you’re like me, releasing a new book feels topsy-turvy, like a rollercoaster flipping around in my stomach. And I find myself at that very spot as it is the day before book launch. But I do plan for self-care. Here is the list of things I’m doing to manage it all so I can stay in the moment with the good feelings of celebration. Working with the list will help me navigate the excitement and feel connected.

The Personal List for the Book Launch

Pull my team around. For the last week of May, I always host a writing retreat and author get-together. Since two of the significant people of this book would be here, it was perfect timing to launch the book while they were here. We all need to celebrate together.

Gratitude. I want to thank the universe for putting these special people in my life. I give gratitude for what they have brought to me and cherish our relationships.

Use abundance mantras. Every day, I use a mantra to set the tone for the day, but in a book launch window, I add an abundance mantra. Having a positive and deserving relationship with money sets the intention for the book and its place in the world. Here is a mantra from Renee Rose I use: “Hordes of raving fans await the news of my next book.”

Present to the local writers’ group. I also take this opportunity to give back to the writing community again. The local group asked me to present and originally scheduled me for November. However, when a speaker dropped out, they asked me if I would take that spot. Is this the universe helping me? I can do the presentation on my launch day; my crowd is with me. The bonus is that John Grisham’s Ghosts of Camino Island launches tomorrow. When you read my book, The Fiction Writer’s Sexuality Guide, you’ll see how Grisham fits into the book’s creation. So, having our books going into the world on the same day is nice.

Use essential oils to uplift and calm. I am wearing my amethyst bracelet with stones to hold essential oils. My favorite lavender scent fills them. Besides its many noted medicinal purposes, lavender calms. So, it is the perfect aromatherapy for me to use.

Wear the launch outfit. Sensuality is a holistic aspect of preparing for the book launch. I want to feel a particular way that day and at the author’s presentation. It is special to me to wear my brand color, purple, which is also my favorite color. I created options. I have a lightweight floral jacket, and I purchased three new dresses to wear on the day. One is purple, one is black, and one is white. I feel good in all of them, but on the day, I’ll select the energy of the one to wear. It will anchor me in my physical movements for the day and remind me of what I have accomplished and am celebrating.

Do a meditation. For me, meditations are a centering into my self. I Only when I am anchored into my entire self will I be ready to take on the day and enjoy all it offers.

Breathe. Breathing is such a basic aspect of life that it grounds us at the moment. I am reminding myself that this is true and that doing it is important on the book release day. Things will happen. Focused breathing is good.


I didn’t expect that writing this blog post for you would give me so much. It was a rehearsal for tomorrow. It allowed me to be in the moment today with the ideas that will support me. Writing this makes me feel centered and full of anticipation. Consider making your own list for your launch day and reviewing it the day before for all the extra goodness you can get. Check on social media and see how I’m doing!

1 Response

  1. Annabelle B says:

    Looking forward to it

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